
EMEA Living Investor Survey 2021

Strong demand for European Living assets continues as investors aim to diversify portfolios and look to new markets

21 aprile 2021

The JLL Living Investor Survey, produced in conjunction with Aberdeen Standard Investments, is now in its third year. After an unprecedented 12 months, the insights from this survey demonstrate how investment attitudes, ambitions and actions for the Living sector have adjusted. Demand for Living assets has remained resilient throughout the pandemic. 2020 saw €83.4bn invested across European Living, up 10% compared with 2019.

This year’s survey consolidates opinions from over 40 respondents, representing around €9.5 trillion in total assets under management, of which over €100bn is already invested in Living assets across Europe. Participants are from a range of company types and sizes, with differing existing exposures. It is a diverse group, from large, multinational fund managers, to local, specialist investors and developers.

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