
Retail Annual
report 2019

The sector faced many challenges during the last year, with investors becoming more cautious and paying great attention to asset quality

24 maggio 2020

In 2019, the retail sector recorded approximately €1.7 billion of investments. The out of town made a significant contribution to the yearly volumes, in particular thanks to the outlet product, which drove the volumes. The high street class, on the other hand, totalized €560m across 10 operations with Milan taking the lion’s share, while a good performance activity was observed also by the city of Firenze. Other cities involved in the high street market in 2019 were Bologna, Rome and Trieste. 

Yields on prime shopping centres and retail parks continued to decompress during the last 12 months. The impact of additional factors on secondary schemes, such as performance, dense competition and obsolete structures, penalised secondary yields for shopping centres. Prime rent continued to increase.

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